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I'm Nima

I am a coaching psychologist, published academic author, and a Ph.D. researcher specialising in posttraumatic growth and suicide bereavement.

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My Mission

is to use psychological science to help trauma survivors thrive. My practice, Live Authentic Coaching is grounded in positive psychological science. I use the evidence-based science of positive psychology and the action-oriented techniques of coaching to help individuals grow holistically to live and lead a more fulfilling life. I created the novel positive psychology coaching postvention programme for suicide loss survivors to help facilitate their growth and wellbeing pathways. Read more here.

I hold a Master's degree with a distinction in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London. I am currently a Ph.D. researcher at the University of East London. Through my research, my aim is to create evidence-based positive postventions for suicide loss survivors to facilitate their wellbeing, posttraumatic growth, and embodiment. I am also a European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) accredited coaching practitioner.

Posttraumatic Growth

Psychological trauma is the result of extraordinarily stressful events (natural disasters, the death of a loved one by suicide, pandemics, serious illness, terrorism, divorce, relationship issues, domestic violence, rape, suicide, financial issues, job losses, and so on) that can leave individuals with psychological and emotional symptoms like guilt, shock, confusion, anxiety, fear, moods swings and in some cases experience Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Trauma symptoms typically last from a few days to a few months fading as you process the unsettling event. Recovering from trauma takes time with many individuals and communities healing at their own pace.

An additional trajectory in the aftermath of trauma is Posttraumatic Growth, a term that can be defined as the positive psychological changes experienced as a result of the struggle with traumatic or highly challenging life circumstances. Posttraumatic growth is not simply a return to baseline it is an experience of tremendous improvement and growth, one that is deeply profound. This phenomenon of personal growth, resulting from a struggle with major life crises is universal and reported around the world. There is strong evidence that people and communities can dramatically shift in positive ways post-trauma. People who experience posttraumatic growth often see positive changes in the following dimensions – personal strength, relating to others, new possibilities, appreciation of life, the body, and spiritual and existential changes.


Coaching For Wellbeing and Posttraumatic Growth..

If your traumatic experience has changed your life philosophy, the way you see the world, and your place in it and this has shifted your priorities in the dimensions mentioned above, then you may be ready to discover what to do with this newfound wisdom and strength. If you want to find your purpose, grow and create change from this place, then do get in touch with me. I am passionate about posttraumatic growth and I specialise in coaching individuals and groups who are dedicated to moving forward with their lives through trauma. I am also proficient in delivering personalised multi-component programmes to facilitate wellbeing, growth, and embodiment to trauma survivors.

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